Friday, 12 April 2013

North Korean missile adjustments

On Thursday, North Korea briefly raised a missile into an upright firing position, stoking concerns that a launch was imminent, a U.S. official told CNN. Later, another U.S. official said it had been tucked back into its launcher. The latest move by the North could signify that a much-feared launch is less imminent. It could also mean the government was testing the equipment. The first U.S. official cautioned that raising the untested Musudan missile, which South Korea says has a range of up to 2,175 miles (3,500 kilometers), could have been just a trial run or an effort to "mess" with the United States and its allies. North Korea's missile capabilities The Musudan could reach Guam, a Western Pacific territory that is home to U.S. naval and air bases, and where the United States recently said it was placing missile defense systems. The United States and South Korean militaries have been monitoring the movements of mobile ballistic missiles on the east coast of North Korea. Japan has deployed defense systems. Clapper, the national intelligence director, said Thursday at a House Intelligence Committee hearing that he didn't think Kim had "much of an endgame" other than to get recognition from the world as a nuclear power, which "entitles him to negotiation, accommodation and, presumably, aid." He reiterated that the nation's "nuclear weapons and missile programs pose a serious threat to the United States and to the security environment in East Asia."

Online news

The United States will talk to North Korea, but only if the country gets serious about negotiating the end of its nuclear weapons program, Secretary of State John Kerry said after arriving Friday in Seoul for talks with U.S. ally South Korea. "North Korea will not be accepted as a nuclear power," Kerry said. His trip to South Korea -- part of an Asian swing that also includes North Korean ally China -- comes a day after a Pentagon intelligence assessment surfaced suggesting the country may have developed the ability to fire a nuclear-tipped missile at its foes. Disclosed first by a congressman at a hearing Thursday and then confirmed to CNN by the Defense Department, the Defense Intelligence Agency assessment is the clearest acknowledgment yet by the United States about potential advances in North Korea's nuclear program.

Despite weeks of bellicose rhetoric from Pyongyang threatening nuclear attacks on the United States, South Korea and their allies, U.S. officials have characterized the North's saber rattling as largely bluster. U.S. officials think North Korea could test-launch a mobile ballistic missile at any time in what would be seen by the international community as a highly provocative move. But a senior administration official said there's no indication that any such missiles have been armed with nuclear material. Still, the defense agency said it has "moderate confidence" that North Korea could fit a nuclear weapon on a ballistic missile and fire it. But agency analysts think such a missile's reliability would be low -- an apparent reference to its accuracy. And, White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters Friday that the North Korean government "has not demonstrated the capability to deploy a nuclear-armed missile."

Where to find good answers for questions?

Question: If you move signage off the highways, won't it just clutter municipalities instead? Answer: This is a hot topic amongst sign makers and those who are trying to find a businesses by locating the business's sign. There is a small but vocal minority of people who think that business is of the devil, and that signs are the business's bible, and because in their view they are ugly, they should be done away with. These are the same people who don't mind if you starve to death, but dammit, let's save the snail darter. Having lived in Central America, I understand both a plethora of signs and a lack of signs, all at the same time. Managua, Nicaragua, for instance, as almost no street signs, but it's made up for by a multitude of business signs that are the locators of everything else. Of course, it helps to be able to read Spanish. The reason 3rd World Countries, or now euphemistically called "Developing Nations," are growing economically is because business is allowed to grow, virtually unhindered by bureaucrats. Of course, whiners from the advanced nations will trumpet the lack of safety (no problem - lawyers don't sue for damages much in 3rd World Countries), and yes, there are more accidental deaths, but in Managua, for instance, pedestrian traffic, unless intoxicated, know exactly where you are and the drivers, which have the right of way in most instances, know where they are. They are very street smart. And anyone can operate a business out of their home. Dentists, doctors, lawyers, and even grocery stores. It's not a panacea, but the economies in many of these countries are growing at 6%, while the US and Europe, for the most part, are languishing around 0% growth, and even that is doubtful. So, if you want to whine about cluttering things up with signs, you're asking the wrong guy. Question: I've just opened a B&B and want to erect a sign. Can I do that? Answer: Wow! You opened your business and now you're asking about a sign? I guess, because I'm in the business, I would always research various potential issues with a property before opening a business. Marketing and advertising are the first questions that should be asked about any business, and a sign is in that category. Article Source: